Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Effects Of Global Warming On Global Temperature
As decelerating the negative impacts of rising global temperature becomes increasingly important, a myriad of techniques to slow or reverse the effects of global warming are being researched and implemented. Among these are economic incentive programs designed to encourage large corporations to produce fewer green house gases (GHGs), investment in sustainable technology and behavioral education, and so on. Some of the up and coming approaches to achieving more sustainable global temperatures are known as geoengineering, which involves projects that attempt to prevent global temperature increase by reflecting to space sunlight that would otherwise warm Earth or by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Caldeira et al.). Both solar radiation management (SRM) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies offer attractive options for reducing global temperature rise. CDR proposals include the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in trees via reforestation, the creation of wetland ecosyst ems, and modification of ocean upwelling, among others (Caldeira et al.). SRM strategies are a bit more creative, with options like whitening clouds and making plants more reflective to reflect solar radiation off earth s surface and from the stratosphere. One of the more controversial emerging SRM strategies is the injection of aerosols, namely sulfate, into the stratosphere in order to scatter the solar radiation back to space and as a result reduce global-mean temperatures (Caldeira etShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On The Ocean Temperature1052 Words  | 5 PagesIndicators: Ocean temperature Since 1970 the ocean temperature has been increasing at an unprecedented rate, this is indicating accelerated climate change as the water is heating along with the globe. 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